Source Fashion articles are written by a collaboration of our partners, guest writers and the Source Fashion team, so you can stay up to date with the most recent news, guidance, and perspectives informed by industry professionals.
The UK economy is set to avoid a recession this year, but many households will continue to adopt recessionary behaviours due to persistent inflation and steep rises in interest rates…
Consumers and retailers continue to be stung by high prices, but a combination of growing resilience and easing recession expectations means confidence is picking up.
Firstly, it’s important to figure out how to effectively measure your business’s social and human capital, so that you can track how you are impacting communities, in order to improve and build on thi ...
The latest buzzword within the sustainable arena, but what does it truly mean and how are brands and manufacturers replenishing natural resources to improve the local eco-systems for the future?
Near-term difficulties drag on, but the outlook brightens. Despite ongoing financial challenges for many consumers, optimism is increasing as recessionary fears recede.