Source Fashion articles are written by a collaboration of our partners, guest writers and the Source Fashion team, so you can stay up to date with the most recent news, guidance, and perspectives informed by industry professionals.
Move over plastic, leather, and polyester – alternative materials are on their way. Start-ups around the world have been hard at work in recent years developing more sustainable alternatives to everyt ...
It wasn't that long ago that repairs were a part of everyday life. But as products became more widely available at affordable prices, the balance began to shift away from ‘make do and mend’ to buying ...
On May 1st, the Environmental Audit Committee sat in the Palaces of Westminster to revisit their inquiry into fast fashion and the future of sustainability in the UK fashion industry. In 2019, the com ...
In our list of 10 retail predictions for 2024, we’ve tried to go a little deeper to get to the heart of what’s going to be affecting the industry, the customer, and the way you do the business.
Consumer resilience is weakening as cost-of-living concerns persist and feel the impact of rising interest rates. However, ample opportunities abound for retailers to thrive this festive season.
A sustainable supply chain is no longer a nice to have – whether you’re an established business or just starting out. You’re probably very aware of your own waste – what you’re producing, how much of ...
September witnessed an upswing in consumer resilience and optimism as macro conditions improved. However, cost of living pressures remain a defining force for influencing shopping behaviour.
Unusually poor weather in July put downward pressure on retail sales, but the overall macroeconomic picture is steadily improving.
Favourable weather gave seasonal lines a boost in June, but high living costs continue to erode discretionary incomes.
UK consumers are continuing to face high living costs, but warm weather, public holidays and the approach of summer reveal growing resilience as seasonal sales trends endure.